Mastering English pronunciation is a task that can leave non-native speakers feeling like they’re climbing Mount Everest. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that English is spoken with a North American accent, which creates a host of sounds that can be challenging for people from other countries. But don’t despair! There’s hope for improving your English pronunciation. Here are some perplexing tips to help you practice your pronunciation skills and speak English fluently.
When speaking, it can be challenging to hear yourself accurately. Even if you think you’re speaking correctly, your brain can deceive you. To overcome this problem, record yourself as you practice your pronunciation. Then, listen to your recordings and try to identify patterns and mistakes. By doing so, you can hear yourself as others hear you and identify areas for improvement.
For non-native speakers, vowel sounds can be a real hurdle. To master the pronunciation of English vowels, try learning the mouth shapes that these vowels are formed with. There are ten different mouth shapes for the ten vowel sounds in English. By learning the mouth shapes and practicing pronouncing words with them, you can improve your pronunciation and speak English more confidently.
To practice pronouncing words with different mouth shapes, you can use flashcards. For example, if you want to practice pronouncing the /o/ sound, you can take a flashcard with the word “fog” on it and try pronouncing it with the “o” sound. Then, try pronouncing it with a different mouth shape and see if you can still get the same sound. By practicing with flashcards, you’ll become better at recognizing the different vowel sounds and pronouncing them correctly.
Record yourself reading a text, then compare it to the recording of a native speaker to improve your pronunciation. This allows you to determine where you need to improve and where you’re doing well. Take as many recordings as you can and compare them with native speakers as much as possible.
To learn from real-life conversations, try watching videos on YouTube with native speakers. You can listen to their pronunciations and learn from the way they speak. You can also find video lectures in which native speakers talk about their areas of expertise. By watching these videos, you can improve your English pronunciation and speak more fluently.
You can also practice your pronunciation by using apps and games designed to help you improve your pronunciation. For example, there are apps that allow you to choose a word from a list and then pronounce it. For every word that you pronounce correctly, you get points, and for every word that you pronounce incorrectly, you lose a few points. If you want to improve your pronunciation in a fun way, you can use these apps and games for pronunciation practice. Among the pronunciation apps available in the market, ChatterFox is the best; it gives you instant detailed feedback on your pronunciation by scores, colors, and charts.